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Photo credit: MD Dispatch/Bayside Gazette/Candidate

Principled Leadership

That Serves



2020 Goal: "I’d like a budget that focuses on a specific process of looking for opportunities to save first, reevaluating fees second, maintaining a sustainable reserve fund and finally, presenting the draft budget with the corresponding tax rate.  With me on the council, you will have someone who scrutinizes the budget line by line and will always look for opportunities to save first.  In an effort for more transparency, I'd also like to develop a mechanism to update residents on a regular basis that gives a "snapshot" of the budget throughout the budget year, perhaps through a newsletter."


In working with Mayor and Council, along with our Finance Department, we have been successful in making the budget process more understandable and efficient for residents while also restructuring the process to allow public input before a tax rate is decided.  We also are working toward instituting a newsletter "snapshot" to keep residents informed on a regular basis of where tax dollars are being spent.  I will continue to examine every aspect of the budget and look for opportunities to save first, achieve equitable funding for our first responders and scrutinize spending.


2020 Goal: "I would continue to make every attempt to ensure residents are aware of what's happening with town business via social media or in person on a regular basis.  This government is about YOU and YOU need to be informed."




I believe District 2 and Berlin as a whole has not had quite as strong as advocate in terms of storm water (SWM) as I have been this term in a while.  We've been successful on receiving grant funding in certain areas yet other parts of town are still impacted by this truly "fluid" situation.  I will continue to advocate for a complete review and reassessment of the SWM utility operation, capital, fee structure(s) and applicability to the Berlin resident as well as communicate with local and State partners for grant opportunities, both public and private.

I've consistently said we must always approach growth in a responsible and reasonable manner.  I pledge to continue using this standard with my colleagues in any growth request that comes before the Mayor and Council.  First and foremost, the fabric of our community must be maintained while we navigate the challenges of a constantly changing world.  


2020 Goal: "As I understand, Phase 1 of a parking study was done, but other issues took precedence (budget and annexation, for example) and the issue was temporarily shelved.  I believe it's time to review what the study reveals and see what we, as a community, can do about this growing issue."  


Our Community Development team is doing a great job making the public aware of the parking we already have, but parking is still an issue in town.  Working with all departments, businesses and residents, and reviewing professional studies, I believe we can find a workable solution.


2020 Goal: "Although I don't think selling the whole property is on the table, I see no reason why the front of the property couldn't be an opportunity for revenue generating ventures that compliment uptown." 



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