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Principled Leadership That Serves



First thing I’d like to say of course is thank you!  Thank you for allowing me to work for and serve our district and the Town in this first term.  Working with you, town staff and the rest of the Mayor & Council, I believe we’ve done some awesome things for our town, our neighbors, town staff, law enforcement and overall general Town processes.


There are projects and ideas that are still evolving such as parking, Heron Park, Comprehensive and Strategic Planning, Community Center, tackling reasonable and responsible growth, accessory dwelling units, a new step/grade system for staff, event evaluations with a residential effect component and so much more.


I'm always willing and available to discuss any topic, concerns, opinions or questions anyone may have and perhaps why I vote a certain way.


In the end we may still not agree, but in a world of toxic rhetoric and divisive politics, I never forget that I serve you and effective communication is the key to understanding.


Folks, I love what I do for you and our town.  The trust you have placed in me makes me forever grateful and humbled.  Together we can continue forward with a focus not on only the next 15 days; but 15 years and beyond. 


I’m asking again for your vote and trust on October 1, 2024 as your District 2 representative to the Berlin Town Council.

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Photos courtesy of Bayside Gazette/The Dispatch/Candidate

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